I sat in a quiet nook reading Hemingway’s The Paris Wife, drinking it in with big gulps, each word quenching some deep emotional, mental, intellectual thirst. I finished the book in just two days, completing the final chapter at the unusual-for-me hour of 3 a.m.
My husband remarked later how I had devoured the book. And, with that, the first of my three words for 2015 was born.
The 3 Words exercise, brought to my attention by Career Author and Speaker, Hannah Morgan in 2013, and originated by Publisher and CEO, Owner Magazine, Chris Brogan in 2006, is exhilarating. In Brogan’s latest post on the topic, he suggests, ” … pick three words that can be packed with depth. Pick words that will be your own.”
My 3 Words for 2013 and 2014 can be found HERE and HERE. I hope you enjoy my posts, but I also think you will find the comments from a myriad of friends and colleagues exhilarating.
The past three weeks, I have been unearthing words like rare gems during the course of emotional excavation. After a process of carving, shaping and refining them, I trimmed the list down to three.
As such …
My 3 Words for 2015
- Devour: As in, devouring the flesh of a meaty book, dripping in flavor. But it is much more – as in:
~ Devour opportunities for laughter- and joy-inducing exchanges with friends, family and colleagues;
~ Devour engagement in favorite activities (boating, swimming, exercising);
~ Devour engagement in my business projects by attracting and deeply engaging in the right-fit client relationships. - Poetry: As in, writing from the place of a journalist poet who sees the beauty, the heart and the value in people, places and things, while also telling truth however hard or in opposition of “what’s popular,” it may be. Moreover, I want the hard work of writing ultimately to be outweighed by its value and joy.
- Luxuriate: As in, love, relax, let go of the insignificant and imbibe in the natural and human-crafted splendor available to all human beings. More fully thrive — each and every day — despite the twists, turns and (sometimes self-induced) entanglements of life, by immersing in what is aesthetically appealing. I believe behaving productively and “giving back” to others correlates directly with first and fully taking care of oneself.
Now it is your turn!
If you are a friend or colleague (or family member!) who has written up your 3 Words for 2015, I invite you to share them here (including links to your blogs post), in the comments section. Or, if you’ve not completed the exercise, but are interested in doing so, feel free to brainstorm, below. I will happily share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and/or Pinterest.
My three words-mantra since I started my fitness challenge:
Comittment: Nothing happens without a sincere commitment to begin.
Consistency: Being consistent enhances success in everything you do.
Follow-through: follow through on your commitments, be consistent with you actions, and stay the course, you will be successful.
Your word formula evidently works, as your fitness journey and results shows! 55 lbs = wow!
I enjoy your updates (including previews of what foods you prepare and specific exercise routines you engage in). Keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing your pragmatic and motivating 3 Words on Facebook, and here on the blog!
Wonderful Jacqui and oh no!
My friend Chris B. would lash me with a wet noodle. 2015 has officially arrived and I hadn’t picked my words until now.
I love yours and vibe with them totally.
As for me, I’d say: Read, connect, simplify.
Like, I am reading every single post I happen to click on. I am reading each word to understand the points being made.
If posts aren’t inspiring, entertaining or adding value to my life I cease reading of course.
I figure that by reading posts fully I will understand the points being made and I will connect with my fellow bloggers.
Simplicity; going forward I will raise my energy each morning with an hour or more of personal development so I can do simple things to make the greatest impact.
I intend that combining each of the 3 words will help me move into effective, fun, minimal action, so I can spend more time offline, less time online and I’ll also inspire more bloggers to do the same.
Thanks Jacqui!
Ha! You made me laugh with your opening lines. Thank you, Ryan!
‘Reading to understand’ as well as only continuing to read based on certain ‘inspiration/entertainment/value-add’ criteria resonates strongly. Thank you for articulating your intentions that way; for me, it is something I have been striving for the past few years vs. being ‘everywhere but nowhere’ in regard to connecting with/reading/learning from others.
It takes a certain level of concentration and discipline to maintain this directive, and is well worth it!
Your definition of ‘simplicity’ as well as your overall intention for applying the 3 words inspires.
Thank you, Ryan! I will be intentionally reading your Blogging From Paradise content in the coming weeks and months for further insights and inspiration!
Buff, Loving, Excited
I am so drawn to your 3 words, which are filled with verve!
Thank you so much for sharing.
We do 3 words too! Mine are time, purpose, openness.
Love your 3 words…especially “luxuriate”. Wow!
Ooooh, terrific re: your 3 words, Samantha. Thank you for sharing! Those 3 words are excellent. I would love to hear more about ‘openness’ if you are comfortable sharing your intentions around that one (no pressure; just curious).
It just refers to having a more open heart and mind regarding people I encounter, projects that come my way, and life in general.
Very good, Samantha; your explanation makes good sense – I think we all can benefit from being more intentionally ‘open’ in those areas, as life has a way of ‘closing our hearts/minds’ a bit if we’re not careful.
Thank you Jacqui for this challenge (much better than dumping ice water over my head).
I went in search of 3 words that I can carry into this new year and this is what I discovered. My 3 words for 2015 are portmanteau, consanguinity and effulgent.
“Portmanteau word “word blending the sound of two different words” (1882), coined by “Lewis Carroll” (Charles L. Dodgson, 1832-1898) for the sort of words he invented for “Jabberwocky,” on notion of “two meanings packed up into one word.”” Zentangle comes to mind, “Zen = to see, contemplate” and “tangle = a pattern” and when combined you get a contemplative repetitive pattern or “Zentangle.”
Consanguinity… I choose this word because it is aptly describes some recent life happenstances, in which I discovered a new “connection with a close affinity” that I hope will bear fruit in the very near future. And last, effulgent. Effulgent as in I will continue shining forth brilliantly!
Wow – those 3 words are rococo! I’m delighted you included not only the definitions of each (and origins) but also connected the dots for us as to why you chose them/how they add value to and link to your current activities, recent happenstances and future goals.
Thank you for your continued effulgence as well as for being ‘real’ in your day-to-day!
I love your three words. They seem most fitting for you/your lifestyle and where you want to go!
I interpret your “devour” as you wanting to take advantage of all of what life has to offer, your “poetry” as your medium to express your truth and life’s beauty and “luxuriate” as a mindful expression of self-care.
Now as for my three words, I’m still in the process of thinking. Therefore, I only have 2 of them at this point : clear and reach.
Clear – I’d like to clear both physical and mental space to give myself more peace, clarity and room for new branches to sprout, so to speak
Reach – I’d like to reach for projects/tasks/connections beyond my comfort zone
The third one I’m still working on 🙂
Hi Dorlee,
I appreciate how you shed additional light. My writer’s heart glows hearing an objective ‘3rd-party’s’ perceptions of my words, as I feel an affinity with your interpretations.
Moreover, in that I am a day late in responding to your comment, you’ve since updated your own blog with your 3 words, rounding out the 2 you posted above. These are so well thought out and illustratively explained (love your visual – watercolor – representation of your 3 words!). Here’s a link to your full post –> http://www.dorleem.com/2015/01/my-3-words-for-2015-clear-reach-embrace.html. I will be commenting there, soon!
Warmth and light as you embrace the new year and evolving YOU.
Love these, especially ‘devour.’
Mine are:
Happy New Year!
Hi Susan,
Merci for your kind remarks and for enjoying the word, ‘devour.’
Your 3 Words feel interconnected, that they have a kinship with one another. Excellent choices.
I will be curious as we all intertwine our words into our 2015. I already feel my words taking root.
All the best,
Your carefully and thoughtfully curated words are so special! I look forward to seeing how they guide you during 2015. I’m still in vacation mode and will share my 3 words soon! Cheers!
Thank you for your kind remark – I like the language, “curated words!”
As well, thanks again for inspiring me several years ago to get on the 3 Words bandwagon. It really does work for me, and for so many others.
Off to your blog now to comment on YOUR 3 words, which I know you have since published.
Love your three words, Jacqui!! I’m especially fond of Luxuriate, which strikes me as achieving the promise of life well lived!! I’ve also enjoyed seeing the selections of words posted by people in comments here.
Here is my offering, as posted in Chris Brogan’s Brave Facebook Group:
“This year, I really think I need just one word: Simplify.
“That is, achieve more minimalism in my work and life. I’m seeking, this year, to begin mastering exclusion. I’ll seek to decide on the handful of activities I’ll pursue, both in the way I serve others and in my personal pursuits and relationships.
“For the record, I did think about two other words: Imagine and Now. However, I decided I wanted to keep things…well…simple.”
Hello Walter,
My apologies for not replying here sooner (albeit, I believe we chatted elsewhere online about your chosen ‘word!’).
I love that you have posted a single word, and by choosing just ONE, you already have begun achieving your goal to ‘simplify!’
I find ‘minimalism’ in my digital space a challenge, but in my personal (home/physical office) life a bit more possible (something I’ve been simplifying for a few years now).
What you suggest about ‘mastering exclusion’ (which is great language), in re: to pursuit of activities and the way you serve others is intriguing. In that I find personal energy so valuable, I like the idea of being ‘exclusive’ in how you choose to expend it. Interacting with you on social media, I feel that I am witnessing aspects of your mastery already, this year.
Your other 2 words that you considered, ‘imagine’ and ‘now’ sound like good secondary focus areas supporting your primary focus of simplifying!
Thank you so much for commenting here and participating meaningfully in all your communication endeavors. I look forward to hearing more about everyone’s 3 Words as the year progresses.
Hi Jacqui!!
This is a great response, any time!!
Actually, I did think of all three words as part of my exercise this year. Yet, the more I looked at them, the more I realized “simplify” is the star of the show, with “imagine” and “now” playing supporting roles.
I’m glad you liked “mastering exclusion” as a strategy. Actually, it’s a “life imitates art” choice, given that I borrowed it from photography. Mastering exclusion will be a discipline for me because I’ve tended to chase a variety of opportunities and leads. Over time, I’ve seen how that dilutes my satisfaction and achievement.
I think another way of describing how I’m approaching this year is to focus on what most matters in my life an in my work!! So, I’m choosing right clients, opportunities, and activities!
And yes, I do agree that minimalism in our physical space is much more straightforward than it is in our digital space. And I’d add mental space. Still I think taking on those tougher challenges is really what simplify is all about!
Thanks, Jacqui, for your invitation to post here, and for great conversation!!
Happy 2015, Jacqui!
Your three words make me feel rich and deserving of the gift of taking in a deep breath of this awesome world and being a part of it all by exhaling positivity back.
My three words for 2015 are:
Apollo – He is the god of light, poetry, music, healing, and prophecy. A reminder that we thrive not through one thing, but many. This is a year to reach out, discover the new, and incorporate that into our being.
Abundance – Let’s see the world as a bright expanse of lush, green, giving field. From this view, our actions will naturally warm and become nurturing and empathetic.
Aliveness – More of this please: “Everything is of interest to a person who is truly alive, whether it’s a challenge, a loving moment, a bucket of grief, or a glimpse of beauty” ~ Daphne Rose Kingma
I tweeted a few days ago that “I write in my blog when a thought takes hold and won’t let go”. A thought from your 3 Words 2013 (!) Post has been poking at me and I will be publishing it by end of this month. Yes, writing takes awhile for me. 🙂
Hugs to you and thank you for being my muse!
Jackie Yun
Awesome words, Jackie!!
I love each and every one of them, and what they stand for.
And I especially love the thread of brilliance of outlook that ties them together!!
Hello Walter,
I am blushing & smiling from your compliments! Thank you.
How are you doing with your 2015 word: “Simplify”?
It reminds me of this quote from John Maeda: “Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.”
Here’s to a meaningful life!
Jackie Yun
Aww… Didn’t mean to make you blush, Jackie!! But I’m glad you liked what I had to say!
Your words and their meaning really do have the brightness and warmth of a sunny new day!
As for me, “Simplify” is paying off in motivating me on many levels. The obvious one is continued progress on my physical decluttering, and also the casting off of mental clutter so I can focus my attention on what is most rewarding, and yes, meaningful! Love the John Maeda quote, by the way!!
It’s a great, even if sometimes challenging, process!
So yes, here’s to a meaningful life — with lots of sunshine!! 🙂
Good morning, Jackie!
I’m with Walter – I love each and every word you’ve selected.
In knowing you these past few years, I feel like you exude all 3 already, so that you have chosen these as a focus for 2015 is exciting. I am eager to witness your next-level ’embracing and exuding of’ these words.
Already, in the definitions you’ve articulated, I feel lighter and more open to the lush poetry that is both man-made and God-created.
Your triple-A selection is punctuated by a word that delightfully surprised, “Apollo,” and concludes with a favorite word of mine, “Alive!” Sometimes in the thick of a day’s details, I find the life being drained, hour by hour. Your ‘more of this please’ and reminders of the many simple ways to ‘come alive’ (whether through a glimpse of beauty or bucket of grief) resonate!
Finally, I am intrigued by your reference to a post that is ‘poking at you’ and am thrilled it emanated from my 3 Words 2013 post. I cannot wait to read your forthcoming wisdom!
Warmth wafting your way as you embrace your “A” words in 2015!
I especially like your abundance keyword. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this site with me too!
So glad to see you here on Jacqui’s blog. It’s a warm and interactive place!
This morning, I saw an article by Rabbi David Wolpe. Of course, I keyed in on what he said about “abundance”:
“True freedom is abundance of opportunity, not absence of obligation. A man in a desert alone is not free. Standing in a developed society with a thousand obligations but also a million possibilities, that is freedom…
Service to God, to one another and to what is best in ourselves — those are freedoms. They enable us to maximize the capacities of our own souls.”
Hugs to you and to Jacqui. Happy Easter!!
Felice and Jackie,
It is delightful to read your exchange here!
I agree with you, Felice – “abundance” is a word I like. Jackie drew me in with her vivid, actionable description.
I love how she shows us, colorfully, what we can reap (lush/green/giving field) while also connecting the dots to how we can then give back by being nurturing and empathetic.
Jackie – your Rabbi David Wolpe quote is POWERFUL. Thank you so much. I’ve read it three times to really take it in.
I also am warmed by your comment that my blog is a ‘warm and interactive place!’ Thank you so much – and also for imbuing YOUR warmth into the blog on a regular basis.
Felice – you are welcome here any time!
And yes, Happy Easter to you both.