Katharine Hansen’s blog posting, “Are We Now in the New Storytelling Economy” really resonates with me. As an executive resume writer, I tell client’s stories every single day! The results are indefinable at times, and incredibly profuse at others.
A resume is not just about bottom-line results. It must ooze the individual’s value proposition, which extends well beyond measurements and outcomes. What is a value proposition, really? Yes, it is about what the individual contributor brings to the party – how they can whittle down costs, boost revenues, catapult profits, grow marketplace reach, cultivate customer relationships, innovate new products … and much more. But after that message is solidified, the resume must resonate with a unique “story” that extends the candidate’s value prop and absorbs the reader.
Creative and conceptual stories (the New Model of right brained thinking as Katharine refers to — she references an article by Frank A Mills) further describe what I believe to be the framework for meaningful and gripping resumes. This “web-weaving, histological storytelling” is the new storytelling model, as Katharine references (also from Mills’ article).
Probably the most vivid reference (for me, particularly as it relates to executive resume storytelling) in Katharine’s blog is the snippet from Mills’ article:
“Each and every story contains other stories, each opening up … the observer is always in the process of observing …” I believe an intricately woven executive resume will harvest nuggets of career gold and wrap them, layer by layer into a focused but fluid career story that … and here’s the key … speaks to the heart of the decision-maker (hiring manager’s) needs and taps their pain points. Just like an elegantly but determinedly written book, a resume story must breach the reader’s emotional and intellectual walls to motivate interview conversations and hiring solutions.
It’s really interesting to me that you are the second person who connected this posting with resume writing. I consider myself very attuned to applying writings about storytelling to the job search — because I have a book on that subject about to be released (Tell Me About Yourself, JIST, April 1, 2009). Yet I overlooked the implications of the Mills article to job search. Thanks for the shoutout and for waking me up!
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your comment! You were simply setting the stage for us readers to make the connection in your post; thus, we had an advantage from an objective third-party perspective. Looking forward to your Tell Me About Yourself book! I definitely will want to order a copy – keep me posted as to it being published!
Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!
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