My husband and I are avid boaters who live on a lake. Our fleet of boats over the past 11 years has included three sailboats and a Four Winns power boat we dubbed Pilar, a homage to Ernest Hemingway. We currently are in transition, having sold Pilar as we prepare to invest in our next vessel.
During the past couple of months transition, we’ve had the opportunity to enjoy test rides on several other boats, including a recent outing on a vessel that, on the surface, was similar to Pilar in shape, size and amenities. However, immediately after revving up the engine and powering across the water, we both noticed obvious differences: the motor was much louder than our Four Winns, and the ride not nearly as smooth.
My husband, who is general sales manager at North Texas Marine boat dealership easily articulated the differences in the two boats, and thus, why this boat was louder and less comfortable to ride than our former vessel.
While the boating experience was still pleasant, the differences were jarring enough to reinforce for me why our next boat would be from a higher-quality manufacturer with the attention to detail and refined performance we had come to expect.
This experience got me to thinking about how investing in the right boat builder was similar to what careerists experience when researching in whom to invest for their resume story building.
A large number of people shop on price, and regardless of the unique differentiators that may be articulated on the resume writer’s website or other marketing materials, they are going to buy based on price, period. They seek one and done, and something to fill a check box in the application process. That’s fine. A large market of resume writers exists to fill that need for economy and simplicity, even if the results are more clunky and ‘noisy.’
However, for that smaller percentage that desire to dig into the process of introspection and strategic refinement necessary to architect a higher performing, elite resume, a handful of master resume writer strategists have honed their craft to serve.
Their resume stories are woven with only the finest materials, including the gold threads they meticulously pulled from their careerist clients, as well as language steeped in historical context. These writers know that the depth and breadth of the story only can materialize through a series of intricate action steps and invigorating thought work.
They know that shortcuts result in lower quality and ultimately defects in the product, minimizing performance.
There is no way around the exclusive process that involves first building up, then peeling back layers of insights and experiences before further refining into a smooth-operating career message vehicle.
These executives and professionals desire a resume that mellifluously hums versus a story that is clunky and loud. They want to be absorbed by the elegant resume interior woven tightly, meticulously without the commoditized rush of a writer cranking out deadlines.
I am only one of only 50 master resume writers who has crafted more than 1,500 career stories.
An intuitive listener, I reveal your stories using my journalist’s training (bachelor’s degree in writing/journalism): in-depth, tailored worksheet + phone interview fuel the writing strategy. I meld facts gathering with a unique sensitivity to your nuances and then imbue each line of your story.
Very true! Your words are always such a pleasure to read!
I’m so glad you enjoyed this blog post, Susan! Thank you for taking time to comment.
Love it and so true. Quality doesn’t come cheap and there is rarely anything as expensive as a cheap product.
Very well put, Rob! Thank you for chiming into the conversation.
I love how the boat story relates to resumes. I agree that having a good resume is very important. Great post Jacqui
Thank you for enjoying the story!
So glad that you shared this. Thank you. Nancy
I’m pleased to know you found value in this post, Nancy!