By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter
Visibility within the social networking channels is essential in today’s job search. If you are hunkered down, nose to the grindstone and confident that doing your job well will get you your next job, and that social media is not for you, then I suggest you rethink your approach. Hiring decision makers, recruiters, human resource professionals and more are performing due diligence searches via Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to vet out candidates for positions at all levels, from entry to CEO.
That said, once you are situated in social media, the allure of the spotlight and continuous temptation for dipping into the social networking cookie jar for sweet update treats can become distracting. My current post at Glassdoor.com speaks to this topic; I invite you to read it, here: Social Media: Are You Everywhere But Nowhere?
[…] Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, a professional resume expert, addresses provides wonderful guidance on how best to focus your attention so as not to get overwhelmed in her article Are You Everywhere–Yet Nowhere–on Social Media? […]