While once a junior-player in career communications, your LinkedIn profile now reigns supreme in job search.
Are You Dripping Words on the Page With an Overly Anxious Paintbrush?
It can be overwhelming when putting words onto the blank page. But also easy. All you need is a laptop or tablet and to begin tapping keys. You don’t even have to know how to type; hunt and peck still works for some. Have a thought, extract it from your mind through to your fingers […]
Career Changer: What to do when you doubt your ideas + grapple with fear
The idea of a slimmer, more toned body spurs me to try on new habits and behaviors. I: start a new exercise routine; become more resourceful in food prep; actively resist temptation, replacing unhealthy snacks with a sumptuous book or by engaging in a body-fueling, light-hearted activity. It’s not always about the food; grapple with […]
Executive: Tips for Reclaiming Career Joy
Whether you are an executive actively exploring a career transition or you passively are seeing what’s out there, the desire to jump ship likely is motivated by one thing: “finding career joy.” This may sound a bit squishy to some. You likely are well compensated and live a fairly comfortable lifestyle. It might seem that this […]
Executive Resume Writing Tip: Slow Down, Go Deep
This week’s Top Tip for executives reinvigorating their executive resume is to slow down and go deep into your thought archives before writing your critical career story. Without considerable introspection and layers of thought work related to the ultimate goal of preparing a focused, meaningful and compelling story, your resume will fall flat, like a cake without […]
Having trouble finding the truth about executive resume writing? Consider these tips.
“Truth is like beauty; it lies in the mind of the beholder” ― Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom While concepts and strategies for building a hard-working executive resume abound, the absolute truth about executive resume writing is less clear. Some career experts suggest otherwise, admonishing fleshier resumes and advising you must write so tight that not only does […]
Is Your Job Search Strategy Languishing? Start ANEW!
The nuts and bolts of job search strategy in some instances have stayed the same for many years. For example, careerists still need … to have a great resume. to have a solid, focused resume cover or introduction letter. to know people who know people. In other instances, job search strategies have metamorphosed. For example, […]
I disagree with career experts who claim the resume has just one purpose
A tweet floated by in my Twitter stream the other day reminding careerists that “the ONLY purpose of a resume is to get you that interview!” I heartily disagree! The resume is so much more! Following are 5 functions of the resume, beyond cinching the initial interview: 1. Equips Interview Conversations. BEFORE you ever deploy […]
Jump on your career surfboard + ride the wave
A client + senior executive careerist reminded me today the importance of ‘riding the wave’ of change, of its constancy. We sometimes become weary of change and don obstinacy, like a prized robe. We want to control the journey, dissuading potential obstacles or unplanned paths. We want to close the door and the blinds and only let […]
Are You Faithful to the Complexity of Your Resume Story?
“Make sure your message is clear, yet that you are faithful to its complexity.” — Michael Dirda Simplicity is overrated. While it is imperative to craft a concise synopsis of who you are and what you do, it is equally crucial to elaborate the specifics. Career stories that are faithful to their complexity activate emotion: struggle, fear, boldness, […]
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