By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter
I’m delighted to announce my first guest post for the blog! In my inaugural post, the topic of job-search worry reigns, with four tips on how to tame the incorrigible beast and boost momentum.
We often hear job loss compared to divorce or death, and my first recommended step is to seek an outlet to express the grief, anger, shock, fear or sadness linked to your loss.
To read the “rest of the story” including all four steps toward bridling the beast, please click HERE.
Congrats Jacqui!
Many see your exceptional writing talent. One day soon, I hope you’ll be inspired to write a book. You have it in you!
All best, Mike
Wow – thanks for the supportive comment and encouraging words, Mike! I’m beaming now.
About that book … gosh, I’m starting to think it “might” just be a possibility. Galvanizing words have a way of compelling people (aka, “me”) forward.
Thank you! Looking forward to YOUR next work of word art,