Resume and social media issues abound: grabbing at cliches (e.g., “I’m a people person”), mirroring your colleagues’ content, shying away from touches of color, graphics, charts or graphs, avoiding the personal exposure you fear will occur if you sign up for social media accounts such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, VisualCV, Google, ZoomInfo, Fast Company, Brazen Careerist, copying and pasting your resume into your social media profile (though complementary to your resume, your social media profile should NOT be a mini-me resume) … and many more. These are mistakes careerists make when crafting their personal marketability campaign.
Job search communications is about positioning yourself to be seen and heard, not about blending in with the masses. Similarly to how black and white movies popped when film colorization was discovered, career communications campaigns shift from dull to brilliant when compelling techniques are applied.
To learn more about HOW to be Brilliantly Visible in your job search, please read my NEW article over at, by CLICKING HERE.
Coaching and mentoring are all about leadership and taking action because coaching and mentoring make people develop their skills and abilities to the fullest.