By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter | Hat tip to Marsha Christensen at stronglola.com for inspiring the title of this post.
Fear Is at the Root of Being Stuck
What are you afraid of? I think, whether you are in the midst of mundaneness or in the throes of manic anxiety, or somewhere in between, fear is at the root of being stuck!
I see it every day in my conversation with careerists. People who are unhappy with their present job are hesitant to move ahead with the rigorous career transition steps needed to get happy. Halting voices, excuses and self imposed delays detract from the traction needed to make those incremental changes and ultimate leaps into the unknown.
They are afraid of the virtual bruises, bumps and ego hits inherent with change and voyaging through the unknown. They deny themselves the personal investment in time, money and emotion to garner their goals.
They are unable to envision the brilliant sunrises and sunsets that are the ultimate rewards for their pain, sweat and hard work that comes with removing boulders from their path, paving their new way.
They wish for a crystal clear, safe solution to their career ailments, when in fact the waters are murky, the winds are blustery and their career sails are a bit tattered.
If this describes you, then read further.
Moving Ahead With Your Goals Will Be Both Easy and Difficult
- The process will be invigorating, therapeutic and empowering.
- You will find yourself adjusting course along the way; you may even find your career sailboat in irons from time to time.
- You may lose ground in order to gain ground.
- You may feel emotionally wrought one day and mentally stoked the next.
- You may be tired, anxious and vulnerable in ways you haven’t experienced in a long time.
- But, you will be progressing and feel hopeful.
- Each day you will feel less abandoned on the deserted career island and more connected to your dreams, creating and even living your adventures, opportunities and career future – TODAY. Even during the hardships, you will find yourself celebratory!
Face Down Your Fear and Reap the Benefits
My goal here isn’t just to dispense advice; it is to relate and to encourage, as I know of what I speak. In the past five years, I’ve learned to sail, remarried, moved south from Missouri to Texas, started a new life and partnership and revamped my physical fitness (lost 30 lbs. and engaged in a regular workout routine).
While it hasn’t always been easy, the benefits always outweigh the hard work, ultimately. And, without the hard work, I would not be enjoying this contentment and joy as illustrated in my little sailing video, which you can view by clicking here: Sunrise Sail | Lake Texoma, Texas.
This is great! I love it! It makes my day to know that I inspired such greatness! Kudos girl! 🙂
I’m so pleased you liked the post. Thank you for your continued inspiring words and images!
I think you hit the nail on the head by pointing out that fear is often the biggest thing holding people back from making that leap from the “safety” of a mediocre position to a risky [unknown] one that may be a much better fit in terms of career growth, fun and personal temperament.
You have truly demonstrated much bravery and determination in making all the exciting recent changes (moving, marriage, new business, exercise/diet) in your life !
As someone who has switched careers, I concur that change can be scary but it is also so exciting – it is an opportunity to explore and develop sides of you that may have been dormant.
One thing that I have found helpful is to break things down into steps so that the big idea/plan is no longer intimidating. For example, after deciding to pursue my MSW, I first attended a few classes as an unmatriculated student. This not only helped confirm my new direction (and built up my confidence) but also assisted me in the process of applying as a matriculated student.
Last, but not least, I enjoyed the little view you gave us on your sailboat 🙂
You always add such rich value with your commentary. I like how you described a person leaping from a mediocre position to a risky (unknown) one … and the ‘fit’ factor.
In fact, you bring up such a good point about fit; in my leaping into and hanging onto my entrepreneurial business net some 15 years ago, I found the initial ride thrilling, and difficult, replete with risk. As well, there have been ups/downs along the way over the years, and at times the risks felt insurmountable. Bottom line, I had a burning desire to continue down this path, as it felt like a true fit – it felt ‘right,’ and it’s amazing what mountains you can climb when you want something badly enough. It all works out one way or the other if we are willing to face the scary aspects and give things that matter to us a ‘go.’
I am so impressed and continually learning through you as I witness your career change metamorphosis. I love the idea of “exploring and developing sides of you that may have been dormant.”
And, your suggestion to break things down into steps to help the ‘big’ plan seem less intimidating is incredibly powerful. Thank you for sharing your particular experience taking classes as an unmatriculated student to confirm your direction toward attaining your MSW. A great, tangible example for others to relate to and learn from.
Glad you enjoyed the little sailboat video – amateur videography, but fun day on the lake!