By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This Shakespearean quote resonates as I ponder the value of networking.
If only networking were under the guise of a different name. Personally, I bristle when someone uses the word, ‘networking,’ an odd reaction considering the line of work I am in. I use the term, because of its universal appeal, but sparingly, as I believe there are better ways to articulate how to forge, cultivate and leverage value-add relationships in one’s career.
When someone overtly and pushily tries to network with me, my response often parlays my distaste. More organic in my approach, I weave in proactive, and when needed, assertive communication to move conversations forward. But bottom line, I strongly believe in a more natural approach to connecting with others to build a net of supportive careerists.
Networking Will Happen Organically
With that said, natural does not have to imply weak or lacking assertiveness. Certainly, if you have an important message to share with someone, and you genuinely feel that it will add value to them, then push a bit to get voice or face time to present your position.
While I DO believe it is essential to get a bit out of one’s comfort zone to initiate conversations with others, I also believe that, if done well, and as a daily part of your career and personal life, networking will happen organically, through conversations you are having with your colleagues, friends, family and such. As well, compelling someone to engage with you, to help fuel your goals, is best done as a result of your first proffering your value to them.
3 Ways to Netweave Toward Your Goals
We must learn to invite others into our lives to build those value-add relationships, and that in and of itself may require initially unnatural confidence in believing you add value to others and have something to add to the conversation. For those who struggle with exuding that confidence, I offer three scenarios where you may find netweaving your way toward career goals more naturally attainable.
1. Solving Mutual Problems: A colleague or someone in your industry and you are having a conversation about a problem(s) with a specific technology, product, process or customer acquisition challenge. You have some ideas that you’d like to share, and you offer a 30-minute phone call to avail yourself and provide value. Likewise, your colleague will naturally unveil his/her ideas during this exchange. Everyone wins. You may find this initial conversation a lead-in to future exchanges and/or to further resources with whom you can connect on similar such issues.
2. Inspiring: You’ve connected with someone online (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest) who inspires you with his or her words, images, enthusiasm, personal or professional goals and achievements and such. Likewise, s/he feels a connection with you, and you hit it off. Why not take it a step further and schedule a focused one-on-one Skype, phone or face time to brainstorm and plan and encourage one another’s efforts and goals?
You may even find that this new-found friend is someone you will regularly meet with, or, who will spur ideas and contacts for further netweaving connections. Several of my Twitter colleagues and I have formed what we now unofficially call #SummitFriends, and we met by Skype for the first time in late 2012. Dorlee (@DorleeM), Marianna (@AuntieStress) and Jackie (@JackieYunTweets) inspire, motivate and support my blog with their words. Several other careerists and encouragers have imbued my day-to-day, on- and offline, and will be mentioned in future posts.
3. Industry Visibility: Through Twitter, Facebook and industry conferences, you’ve discovered chemistry with and among several of your peers. An opportunity to collaborate on a particular event, project or public speaking initiative arises, and it requires a collective mind. Invite your colleagues into the experience. Remember the ‘rising tides’ quote? Lift one another.
You might find that an initial collaboration turns into a career-long conversation. When a handful of colleagues and I came together in 2009 to appear on Recruiting Animal’s show, we didn’t know it would turn into a more substantial collaboration. The Resume Chicks has converted into a Twitter stream, a website and a bi-monthly meeting schedule where we share industry best practices, help each other solve business problems and freely exchange strategies through sometimes casual, sometimes quite focused brainstorming sessions. We also genuinely like one another, on a personal level, which further fortifies the bond.
Thanks for a wonderful post on networking, Jacqui
You epitomize the perfect networker but in the most positive way in which you and colleagues/friends are sharing information, providing support and being true friends to one another.
You’ve also illustrated this with the creation of all the various online collaborative groups that you work with to provide helpful career content.
You’ve been such a lovely friend and supporter of mine… and I am ever so grateful, and then I had the good fortune of meeting Marianna and Jackie and our individual respective friendships blossomed until we became “summit friends.”
Thank you, my summit friends, for being so beautiful inside and out, one and all 🙂
Thank you, Dorlee.
I clearly value my conversations with you, on- and offline. Your meaningful, content-rich blog ( always impresses. Your abilities and energy in the areas of social work, psychology, mental health, creativity, careers and MUCH more continually amaze me.
With fond appreciation,
Hello Jacqui,
Just loved how you re-framed that nasty word — networking — plus your very practical how-to tips. Networking for a shared purpose and inspiration will definitely create #SummitFriends who will be there for support in reaching those beautiful, panoramic vistas in this journey of life (and for the sharing and celebration, too).
Love to you, Dorlee, and Marianna and everyone else out there on the climb to the summit. 🙂
Jackie Yun
I love the phrase, “climb to the summit!”
And the idea of supporting and celebrating reaching those ‘panoramic vistas.’
Your comment exemplifies the value you consistently add, through words of inspiration and encouragement!
Many thanks for being you; I appreciate the value you add to my day-to-day!
I love that you use the term “networking” because of its universal appeal – a word that for me has become an end, rather than a means to an end.
Sometimes networking events can be like a highschool dance. People looking over your shoulder, looking for the “better dance partner”, rather than “being with the one you’re with” and learning some new steps together. (Had to try to keep the metaphor going!)
“Netweaving” is about people – it can’t be rushed, much like how our #SummitFriends relationship has grown over the years. It started separately, but has turned into the sum(mit) being greater than the parts. 🙂
You are adept at turning on the spotlight and illuminating thoughts, ideas and people.
Thank you!
Oh, your comparing networking to the ‘high school dance’ is spot on. I’ve felt that vibe more than once; it is distasteful, for sure! And love how you extended the metaphor illustrating better ‘network’ behavior!
You’re right about the evolvement of the #SummitFriends over the years, and as usual, your creative use of language to describe this ‘sum’ now greater than the parts resonates.
Here’s to continuing to ‘learn new steps together,’ Marianna!