I feel words.
Sometimes, a thought will bubble up and linger, lightly.
Other times, it smacks me in the face, like icy wind on a bitter-cold winter day.
The palpability of language is both soothing and overwhelming.
It calms frayed nerves, spurs to action, drowns in despair, soothes, encourages, accompanies through grief and empowers.
Each year for the past several, I have participated in a “three words” exercise sparked by Chris Brogan. He suggests choosing three words that can be “packed with depth.” Several of my friends engage, for a convivial experience. I always anticipate what they will publish.
In 2015, after just one month, two of my three words, for lack of cultivation, withered. While I regained momentum on all three words late last fall and will continue to implement them in the new year, I was not as fully entwined with my words as in prior years. This year, I’m determined to meld words with passion and hopeful determination to ensure they blossom.
Unveiling, I present my 3 words for 2016:
Health. Without it, listlessness and unmotivated behavior bog down. With it, energy and verve enable. Today, and tomorrow, are founded on physical strength and vitality combined with a soulfully, intellectually and spiritually developed mind.
In 2016, I recommit to whole health.
Trust. As in, trust oneself. Confidence propels forward to complete writing and other professional and personal tasks and projects with vigor and expediency. Eradicate–through daily action–emotional shackles that impair momentum by wholly believing in personal capabilities. Don blinders and earmuffs from the collateral noise, and forge joyfully ahead. I think I can; I know I can. Ignore the rest.
In 2016, I plan to discipline my actions that reinforce habits of self-trust.
Intimate. Be gracious and committed to intimacy with trustworthy others. Unfurl the sails and navigate away from negativity and those who purvey it; not everyone is likable, a good personality fit or feels a reciprocal kinship. That is okay.
In 2016, I will endow intimate energy selectively, and with gusto.
As mentioned above, two of my three words from 2015 withered. However, I was able to maintain the bloom on one word, “poetry.” In the thick of challenges – sometimes rife with pure joy or stress or moments of dolefulness – I often turned to poetry to express those feelings. My latest rhyme, penned just days ago, aligns with new year goals around empowering through action. As such, if I were allowed a fourth word in this exercise, that word would be, “behavior.”
My Poem
Saddle up,
The new year beckons,
Tick tock, counting down the seconds.
You may not control your neighbor,
You may not control the weather,
But whither you arise, from wherever
You start your day,
You control your own behavior,
You can plot your own fairway.
What three words will buoy you in 2016? Please share with me in the comments.
This post originally was published on LinkedIn.
I am one of only 50 master resume writers and have crafted more than 1,500 career stories that drive game-changing results. My bachelor’s degree in writing/journalism allows me to apply a journalist’s eye to your career.
I love, love, love this post for so many reasons:
1. The pictures you paint and the feelings you evoke with phrases such as: “smacks me in the face, like an icy wind,” “Don blinders and earmuffs from collateral noise” and “the palpability of language.”
2. Your honesty – admitting that two of your words drifted into the shadows. You then explained that you weren’t “fully entwined” (another great phrase) with them. You then offer your workaround – how you plan to commit to this year’s words.
3. Poetry. I think this is one of your best poems, yet.
Falling, failing, floundering – they’re all part of learning. Rising, resurrecting, resurfacing – all part of success. May you continue to learn, change and grow as we feast on the fabulous repast you create with your finely-chosen words.