On the 27th of July, I turned 47. Inching ever closer to that half-century mark, I sat in the cockpit of my sailboat, reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned about life on planet earth up to this point.
Below are 47 things I came up with (one for each year). I do not anticipate that everyone will agree with this list, as it is just what my path has shown me. We each assume different paths, and while those paths may cross from time to time, we are mostly alone to face individual challenges. These personal challenges are what helps to frame our opinions, and as we speed along like bullet trains on a track being built only feet ahead of us, we curve and wind and climb and descend in order to avoid pitfalls, get over challenging circumstances and sometimes, just enjoy the ride.
So without further adieu, fasten your seat belts, and keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
1. Acidic people should be avoided at all costs. They only seek to destroy.
2. Politicians have a gene missing that keeps them from being human.
3. What’s right isn’t always what’s fair.
4. On the Good and Evil scoreboard, Evil seems to be winning. For now.
5. One true love will erase all of the untrue ones.
6. Crying is proof of a heart.
7. Laughing is proof of a soul.
8. Not all women who give birth are ‘Mommies.’
9. Not all ‘Mommies’ gave birth to the children they raise.
10. Rain can fall from a clear blue sky.
11. The past can influence the future, but not vice-versa.
12. How you treat each day will determine how you sleep each night.
13. You will never be happy with where you are if you are not happy with who you are.
14. Givers are consistently happier than takers.
15. The center of the universe has yet to be discovered, but it is highly unlikely that any of us are ‘it.’
16. The world’s most beautiful sandy beaches lead to shark-infested waters.
17. Hollywood is morally bankrupt.
18. Kindness should never be mistaken for weakness.
19. Children should be taught at an early age that some win and some lose.
20. Some of the most valuable lessons in life come from getting your feelings hurt.
21. If you try as hard as you can, and fail, maybe you’re just not good at it.
22. Bad things happen sometimes. That’s life.
23. Trusting everyone is a mistake. Trusting no one is a bigger mistake.
24. The world ends every day … for someone.
25. Telling the truth isn’t always easy, but it is always necessary.
26. Sailing truly does take me away to where I’m going.
27. Cameras only tell part of the story.
28. A broken bone heals faster than a broken heart.
29. All men are created equal; it’s what you do with that equality that matters most.
30. Someone being born today will look upon the 2010s as a ‘simpler time.’
31. Having an opinion doesn’t make you a jerk. Insisting that the world at large accepts and embraces your opinion, does.
32. I prefer an honest enemy to a dishonest friend.
33. Freedom or Safety? I choose Freedom.
34. Nothing happens until something is sold.
35. Dogs are the most forgiving creatures on the planet.
36. No one knows as much as they think they do, especially the ones who think they know it all.
37. Ronald Reagan was the last man who truly deserved the title “President of the United States of America.”
38. Sunrises and sunsets give us all something to look forward to twice a day.
39. Nobody can let you down like you can.
40. Good neighbors are priceless.
41. If you look hard enough, you can find an exception to every rule.
42. A whisper can be more powerful than a shout.
43. Humility is the most underrated of virtues.
44. I learn something new everyday. Some things are worth remembering, while some are things I truly wish I had never heard.
45. Perception is reality to the perceiver.
46. Food tastes better in good company.
47. “Don’t stop believing” is the best advice ever given
Wherever you are right now in your life, try to find some peace. It can be difficult in our noisy world, but like anything of value, it is worth seeking.
Robert P. Poindexter
This is absolutely one of my favorite blog posts to date. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this!
You are most welcome. I am thrilled you enjoyed it and that it touched you enough to share it through your networks. Check in any time, won’t you?
Excellent post! I loved all the points.
#10 – All the time in FL
#15 – LOL! The truth is out there!
#18 – Amen!
#24 — Ooh. So true.
#33 – Mee too!
#35 – Yes they are. Some of us don’t deserve them. 🙂
#46 – It sure does and a glass of wine won’t hurt.
$47 – Love it. Thanks so much Rob. Great post.
Great to hear from you Rosa. I’m so glad you found a few that hit home with you personally and took the time to indicate them in you wonderful comment.
Rob –
As I went down the list, I kept nodding, thinking ooooo, that’s my favorite one. Then I’d read the next one and it became my favorite. That happened 47 times!
EXCELLENT, excellent post Rob. LOVED IT!
(Truth be told, the honesty and insights actually brought a tear or two … Shhh. Our secret.)
You are too sweet, Dawn. Thank you so much and I promise to keep it our secret just between us.
P.S. I heard about your weekend. I think number one may speak to that,lol.
What a fabulous post to commemorate your 47th b-day. I love so many of these but was especially taken by “lucky” # 13:”You will never be happy with where you are if you are not happy with who you are.” Clearly your happiness with where you were when you made this list is testament to who you are. It’s wonderful to share a little of your space. Happy Birthday!
“Fabulous” ! Wow! Thank you Dawn for a most insightful comment. It is great to hear from you and thanks for the B-day wishes.
What a great way to honour a birthday – a celebration of another year of life.
It would be interesting to make this an annual event, and seeing how things change, as the years march on.
I particularly liked the one about perception – our reality is indeed influence by our perception.
Happy Belated Birthday, Rob!
Thank you so much, Marianna. That would be a great idea. I’ll see you in forty-years and we’ll see how this list changed,lol.
This was a great beginning to my day. As I drank my coffee and ate my oatmeal, I contemplated each line. Good meditation for the day. I will try to humbly use your words of wisdom to grow a little more today. Thanks for putting yourself out there, Rob. A good quality that I could learn from. Here’s to 48!
Good to have a big little brother,
Wow! And you just made my day! Thank you so much, Janet. It means a great deal to me that you took the time to read this and then post such a heart-felt comment.
I really got a kick out of the “big little brother” part.
Thanks again, and have a great day!
That is a list worth printing and posting so I can re-visit it often.
Can’t wait to read 48!
Wow, both of my favorite sister-in-laws commenting on the same post, on the same day. I’m on cloud nine.
Thank you, Kathy. Please feel free to print out my list and use it to your heart’s content.